Here in the Northeast, it has been one long, cold, snowy, relentless winter. Ice and sleet and -20 degree wind chills and blizzards and three foot snowfalls and shoveling! Lots and lots of shoveling. Enough is enough! It's mid March, and we are still lighting fires in the wood stove for warmth. There is still a foot of snow in my backyard. We even have a flooded area that has frozen over. Anyone for some ice skating? I need spring. I need spring more than I have ever needed spring before. Spring has never been my favorite season because of all of the mud! But this year, I'm almost looking forward to mud puddles because it will mean that the snow is melting.
So today, I sat down at my crafting table and made a couple of cards inspired by early spring. The colors are a bit muted, nothing like the pansies and violets that will soon be popping up in gardening centers. But still, the hope of green things and warm, yellow sunshine. Shy flowers tentatively peeking around corners, wishing for June.
I've been playing with direct to paper techniques lately. Bravely swiping my ink pads across crisp, white card stock, praying for favorable results. You never know what you're going to get! Some happy accidents, and some destined for the trash. I feel like our family is destined for Florida after enduring this winter!
Happy stamping!